Fap Gauntlet: Web Edition

Neocities does not allow non-supporter accounts to upload sound files.

To play, download the repo and point your browser to index.html


Questions people might ask
What is this?

A browser implementation of the Fap Gauntlet Hero game.

From another Fap Gauntlet project on Github:

What is Fap Gauntlet? It is a fun little fap game you play by following simple instructions in each post in the thread until you reach the end or cum. To contribute post nice images or gifs in the format of (strokes), (speed), (special) where strokes is the total number of strokes written as whole numbers not greater than 199, speed is the strokes per second which may be written as these words (very slow, slow, medium, normal, fast, very fast, extremely fast), and special is whatever pressure or special details or instructions for stroking may be.

Basically gamified masturbation, two of the biggest pleasures in life combined.

Why did you create this if there are other implementations available?

Because it's a fun HTML/​CSS/​Java­script exercise, and the other implementations don't let me play on my phone.

Additionally, this one is a local implementation, i.e. it uses images from your own computer and once loaded it doesn't connect to any server, it stays in your browser. This means there's not a set of instructions to parse (“[number], [speed], [special instructions]”), so it randomizes these instructions.

Doesn't this game rely on 4chan posts?

Indeed, the original incarnation of this game is based on fapping to pictures posted by anons and following their orders. However, the concept is so simple it can be randomized and made single-player. Besides,the 4chan API returns a restrictive Access-Control-Allow-Origin header, so it can't be used here unless you use a proxy server.

Since the JSON API for 4chan doesn't support CORS, the web browser refuses to connect to the endpoint with a Javascript request. For the record, all public APIs should set CORS headers so people can use them directly in their browsers, that's kind of the point of a public API.

A workaround would be to write a server application in another language (Go, Python, whatever) which fetches the JSON without CORS problems while serving a modified version of this page in localhost.

How do I play this?

Tweak the settings to your liking, then click “Browse” and select all the images you want to fap with. You can also select all the files from a directory by checking the “Use a directory instead of individual files” option. Then, click “Start!” and do your business.

If you want to skip a picture, click/tap the text above it.

Any future improvements?

Sound for each stroke, a way to immediately quit without refreshing the page, additional instructions like grips, and of course, writing a self-hostable version that downloads threads from 4chan.