/g/’s Programming Projects for N00bz
- Name Generator
- Higher or Lower / Heads or tails
- Temperature Converter
- Calculate your Age in Seconds
- Simple Encryption / Decryption
- FizzBuzz
- Rock Paper Scissors and/or Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock
- Hangman
- Love Calculator
- Pseudorandom Quote Generator
- Password Generator
- Atomically Correct Time from an internet clock
- Haiku Generator
- Macic Eight Ball
- Collatz Conjecture
- Reverse a string
- Count the Vowels in a String
- Count the words in a string
- Minesweeper
- Connect Four
- BMI Calculator
- 4chan Thread Downloader (Images)
- Sudoku Generator / Solver
- Maze Game and Solution Algorithm
- Decimal to Binary
- Picross Solver
- Eulerian Path
- Fibonnaci Sequence Algorithm
- Calculate and Print the Factorial of 100
- Encryption Collection. Implement all of the tools in the Rumkin Collection
- Blackjack
- Text Adventure Game
- Generate an Ascii image of a Christmas tree to a user given height.
- Area Calculator
- Benfords Law
- Hunt The Wumpus
- Static Website Generator
- Crossword Game
- NTP Server
- Stronger Password Generator (With less chance of predicting an outcome)
- Find the largest number in an array, and print its position
- ASCII Analogue Clock
- Dijkstra’s Algorithm
- Text to Morse translator. Bonus points for generating the sound.
- Noughts ano Crosses / Tic Tac Toe / X and O
- Snake Game
- FTP Client (TCP or UDP with ACK)
- Telnet Server
- IMP Interpreter
- Tetris
- Conway’s Game of Life
- Web Crawler
- Text Editor
- RSS Feed Creator
- Evaluate Binomial Coefficients
- Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) Calculator
- Output the Manolebrot Set in ASCII
- Sorting Algorithm
- Convert Markup to HTML
- The N Queens Problem
- Details Validatior using Regular Expressions. Validate Phone numbers, emails
- Linked List
- Mastermind
- Random Image Generator
- last.FM Scrobbler
- Klingon Translator
- Prime Number generator using a Sieve
- Markov Chain
- Graphical Digital Clock (GUI)
- Oil Spill Game
- Algorithm to calculate Triangle Numbers
- Calculate a users typing speed
- Name Art in ASCII
- Towers of Hanoi
- Quine
- IRC Bot
- Brainfuck Interpreter
- Sorting Algorithm Audibilization and/or Visualisation
- Chip-8 Emulator
- Geekcode Generator (3.12)
- Define, translate and rotate a shape with an arbitrary amount of vertices
- Pong with Variable Vectors
- Battleships with an Artificial Intelligence (NPC) opponent.
- Simple Rougelike. Mega chapeau for multiplayer over LAN.
- TCP chat program with basic encryption (XOR)
- Incremental Economy Simulator (Look up Time of Exploration)
- Encryption / Decryption Hiding text in an image
- Calculate Pascals Triangle
- Sine Wave Generator from Pseudorandom Numbers
- Pacman Clone with Ghost AI
- Flappy Birds Clone
- Fast Fourier Transform
- Graphical Digital Clock (GUI)
- Binary Search
- Nintendo Oil Panic
- Generate the Sierpinski Triangle
- Calculate the Dot and Cross of two Vectors
- Littte Man Computer Simulator
- Basic LISP Interpreter
- Hailstone Sequence